I have a 1985 Trans am. Rebuilding the car, and tuning it up. I went to change the oil in the enigine, and someone had stipped the head of the drain plug? I have tried heating it with a propane tourch, and using vice scripts, and I just strip it more. Any suggestion?How do I remove a oil pan plug when the head is stripped?
I had the same problem with my truck and used a socket called gator-grip. It worked for me, not sure if it will for you. Even if it doesn't work for you it's pretty handy to have around. I've used mine a few times for other things.How do I remove a oil pan plug when the head is stripped?
Vise Grips should work nicely. Once you do get it out by a new plug and gasket. It should only cost about $5.00.How do I remove a oil pan plug when the head is stripped?
tap it on the end good with a hammer, try a small size pipe wrench. make sure your turning it lefty loosy.How do I remove a oil pan plug when the head is stripped?
they make a soket to get stripped bolets out they ant much and work real goodHow do I remove a oil pan plug when the head is stripped?
you can spot weld a nut on it that will bring it out,i have done that a few times,they will come out like that ,i run across that a lot ,good luck,How do I remove a oil pan plug when the head is stripped?
Tap a hole(drill slight depth) in the center of the head of the bolt. Get a tool called and %26quot;easy out%26quot; Looks like a drill bit but the spiral is reverse so when you turn the bolt to go out the bit wants to dig deeper in the pilot hole you tapped. When you are ready to use the easy out bit use a hammer to seat it than go from there. Good luckHow do I remove a oil pan plug when the head is stripped?
Get a small to medium chisel and hammer a notch in the edge of the stripped bolt. . Once you have the notch formed, stop and dull the point on the chisel so it won't cut a piece off, but the force will transmit into the bolt and loosen it. Hammer it counter clockwise and replace.How do I remove a oil pan plug when the head is stripped?
try using a pipe wrench on it. that should bring it, unless the threads are stripped. after you get it out, put a self tapping plug in it.How do I remove a oil pan plug when the head is stripped?
suggest that there is an adjustable socket on the market now that tightens around the head of the bolt as you unscrew the bolt. The harder you pull to loosen the plug,the more the socket grabs the head of the bolt.How do I remove a oil pan plug when the head is stripped?
you can also TAP a 12 point socket over the damaged head and try using a ratchet to remove it. just dont get carried away with the hammer.How do I remove a oil pan plug when the head is stripped?
Not that it applies to you, but it is wonderful how many times I have had to think carefully about which way to turn a nut or bolt when I am upside down under the car or under the hood. Vise grips of the right sort should do the job without any problem whatsoever. wondering if you are trying the right plug?
push comes to shove, get one of those gizmos that let you pump the old oil out via the dipstick tube.